Programmable Components and Programming Support
ICSAT has a number of support documents, materials and kits for MicroBit, Crumble, Pixie:8 and RPI Pico.
Download the latest version of our Pathway to Programmable Components, which now includes mapped programming requirements for KS2, 3 and GCSE D&T.
Click here for Pathway to Programmable Components 5 yr Plan V4.9
Click here for Programmable Components overview for KS3 and GCSE Design & Technology Poster.
Click here to get the Input-
Programming Code eCards
We have now made all our Programming Code eCards freely available for the following systems:
Click here to get them.
Version 10.00 13.02.25
D&T KS2 Book
Just published is our D&T KS2 Teacher’s Handbook. It provides support information and knowledge on all aspects of the National Curriculum, across 110 A4 pages in full colour and costs £20.00 plus £2.50pp. The purpose of the book is to provide the teacher with the knowledge the need to deliver D&T at KS2.
The first set of companion projects will be available in Jan 2022.
You can order via our eShop or by email to, we accept Purchase orders and PayPal, we can invoice by PayPal.
D&T KS1 Book
Just published is our D&T KS1 Teacher’s Handbook. It provides support information and knowledge on all aspects of the National Curriculum, across 68 A4 pages in full colour and costs £15.00 plus £5.25pp. The purpose of the book is to provide the teacher with the knowledge the need to deliver D&T at KS1.
You can order via our eShop or by email to, we accept Purchase orders and PayPal, we can invoice by PayPal.
Programming & Embedded Systems
K2 & KS3
This Teacher’s Handbook from ICSAT covers all the requirements for Programming & Embedded Systems at KS2 & KS3. It starts from first principles and develops your Programming and Systems knowledge to allow you to design, make and program typical systems for KS2 & KS3.
It covers the following systems: MicroBit, Crumble, Pixie:8 (Picaxe & Genie), RPi Pico and Arduino. It includes 7 working projects, each one with solutions for each of the microcontroller systems mentioned. Also included is a support CD with additional materials.
Making Crumble easier
As part of the writing for the Programming Companion KS2 & KS3, a range of add-
Available soon from the eShop
Crumble Baseplate
Our new Crumble Baseplate V3 has just been released, which provides:
Available soon from the eShop
D&T Using Paper & Board KS1, 2 & 3
Our latest book deals with developing your skills in using Paper& Board, from KS1 to KS3. It has a wealth of information, how to’s and example projects and project ideas. As with all our books it’s fully illustrated in full colour, initial responses have been excellent ranging from “Wow” to “it’s the book I’ve been waiting for”. It’s a 132 pages of key information that allows those colleagues without full D&T facilties to develop full D&T activities using Paper & Board.
You can order via our eShop or by email to, we accept Purchase orders and PayPal, we can invoice by PayPal.
Coming soon
Make & Go! -
A great starter to Primary electronics without the need for a computer, select your program, Make the physical system, connect up, switch on and Go!
Expected Easter with an estimated cost of £8.00 per module
iCSAT (IK’sat) is a ‘Hands-